No restriction when walking due to patented joint splint system.

The Dynamic Splint from Hallufix®

Unique and 100% Made in Germany.

- Number 1 on the market for 15 years

- Already awarded several times internationally

- Quickly return to normal everyday life, thanks to mobility and pain relief

- Don't wait until it's too late to wear the Hallufix® splint as a preventive measure, even if the Hallux is only slight.

- Available in three sizes and, if you want, on prescription from your doctor or orthopaedist

- No unreachable hotlines, competent contact persons on site in Grünwald near Munich

Can be worn during the day and at night.

14 days right of return

Free exchange

High quality

100% produced and assembled in Germany

Customer service

Mon - Fri: 8.30 - 17.00 hrs

What we stand for

Effective help

for Hallux valgus - the painful bunion

100% produced and assembled in Germany

Hallufix® Hallux valgus Splint

High quality materials

Precise workmanship since 2007